Thursday, December 9, 2010

chinese yoyo

The Chinese YoYo, also known as Tzuh-ling, empty bell, pulling bell and wind bell, was created so long ago that there is no known inventor. Originally, the Chinese YoYo was made of wood or bamboo. Today, as a result of modern technology, most Chinese YoYos are composed of two durable plastic wheels and a joining steel rod and constructed so that the center of mass is located precisely at the middle of the steel rod where the string pivots the YoYo. With the weight evenly distributed, the performer can execute really fantastic tricks without fear of breaking the Chinese YoYo.
It is interesting that the Chinese YoYo can be used by people of any age for play or moderate exercise. There are many wonderful tricks that can be performed by using your hands, fingers, legs, neck and even the waist. Individuals who use the Chinese YoYo for fifteen minutes a day improve their coordination, flexibility, stamina and strength, resulting in a nimble body and a sharp mind. For many families, exercising with the Chinese YoYo is an opportunity for everyone to share time together in an enjoyable and healthy activity.

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